“The Re—Course mirrors the IRB hearing process, with the aim of alleviating claimant fears, promoting emotional stability, and providing practical experience through a simulated hearing.”
Helton Achaye, Re—Course Founder
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18 months
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1 Refugee Family
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What is a Re—Course hearing?
A Re—Course hearing is an imitation of your IRB hearing. A Re—Course Volunteer Adjudicator will act as the IRB member and the Re—Course hearing facility is styled to resemble your IRB hearing (whether virtual or in-person). There is no judgement or decision provided at a Re—Course hearing.
How long is a Re—Course hearing?
A Re—Course hearing is typically 2 to 3 hours long.
How much does a Re—Course hearing cost?
Nothing! Re—Course costs are covered by donors and other sources of funding. It is provided free to eligible refugee claimants.
What are Re—Course confidentiality policies?
Re—Course takes your privacy seriously. Your documents are kept in a secure portal and are treated with a high level of confidentiality. All those who will be in contact with your personal documents – the Re—Course Adjudicators and trusted Re—Course staff – sign agreements to commit to handle claimant information and documentation confidentially. Re—Course is conducted in keeping with strict guidelines.
Will a Re—Course hearing ensure my success at my IRB hearing?
Re—Course helps to prepare the claimants for their IRB hearing but does not guarantee the result of the hearing. We, therefore, do not provide any judgment or decision at the end of a Re—Course hearing. We will however provide you general feedback at the end of the process that may help you to better prepare.
Can I receive legal advice from Re—Course?
No, Re—Course does not provide refugee claimants with legal advice. Instead, Re—Course is focused on providing legal information and education. The claimant is provided legal advice by their counsel or lawyer (if they have one).
If I am appealing my IRB decision, can Re—Course help?
Re—Course is not set up to provide support to refugee claimants with their appeal process.
I don’t speak English or French – can I still have a Re—Course hearing?
Yes. Re—Course works with volunteer interpreters and we will work to secure an interpreter for your hearing. However, as a growing program, we cannot guarantee the availability of interpreters for certain languages.
Who are the Re—Course Adjudicators?
Re—Course Adjudicators are trained legal professionals, law students and experienced community members.
Where are Re—Course hearings conducted?
The majority of Re—Course hearings are virtual. Re—Course uses the same platform as the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Accommodations available for in-person hearings if required.
How do I book a Re—Course hearing?
Sign up by clicking here.